Worry removal: How to make constant worrying a thing of the past!

Do you always feel worried in life? Always thinking about things that worry you on a daily basis? It does not matter the day; you always just feel worried. Well you are not the only one that worries~in fact most people do. There are so many things that makes us worried and we wish that we would change that.

Even though we are prone to worry almost constantly, it should not be like that all the time. There are several ways that we can change this constant state of worry and make life more inspiring and more meaningful.

Changing this state of mind can be very helpful to your own health. It will de-clutter your mind and will make room for other exciting things to take shape in your life. Finally, you will be able to wake up and feel ready to take on the day.

So how can you stop worrying?

1. Embrace the fact that you are not in-charge

Are you someone who takes pleasure in being in control of everything? Maybe that is why you feel constantly worried.

I am not saying that you should not have plans about things but instead look at life as something bigger than you. There are so many variables that you cannot control. You cannot control the following: the weather, the past, global events (e.g. world economy), other people’s behaviours, traffic delays, other people’s opinions, aging, accidents and sickness, and the future. Sorry if you thought you could control any of these because you can’t.

Do you know what you can do instead in all of these things? Managing yourself is your main priority.

Accepting this is the beginning of stopping the constant worry of everyday.

2.  Be average at being in the moment (if you can master the art)

Being in the moment can be very helpful to forget about the past and the future. Have you ever worried about the past so much so that you wish you went back and changed it? Well that will not be happening. Worrying about the past is the surest way of wasting your present time.

How about the future? Well the future is tricky because we need to be there right? The future may or may not come.

For example, worrying about what will happen after I write this article is not helpful for me at all. I do not know how you will react after reading this. Imagine if I was so worried about every person who will read this article and their thoughts let alone their reactions and comments. It would be close to impossible to write about anything since I do not know about the future.

So stay in the moment and do the work or play. This will make you stay focused and remove the constant worry that plagues most of us.

3. Have friends that you can talk to

Sharing your experiences with others can be very helpful to avoid feeling like you are the only one who is going through hard things in life.

I will tell you that no one on this planet has a monopoly on problems. The odds are that if you share what you are going through someone will relate to what you are trying to say or at least listen to you. Keeping things to yourself can seem great but sharing is part of the cure to constant worry.

If you have no friends then this could be an opportunity for you to start making them. It can be hard especially when we have grown up to make friends but in the age of social media you can find anyone in social clubs.

If you like playing games online you can find friends online (not an excuse to play more video games). We all have things we enjoy~ use them to make friends or if you like watching videos then you can also find a channel on YouTube and contact someone to chat with. This happens more than you think. Or just subscribe to someone’s channel.

Having friends will make you feel part of the community and those worries can be shared. As the German proverb goes “a problem shared is a problem halved”.

4. Seek to understand things that are within your circle of influence

It is very important to distinguish between the first point and this point. The circle of influence are things that you can directly control.

You can control your thoughts, attitudes, actions, habits, relationships, personal growth, priorities, environment, and more importantly your responses.

Even though we might not control things that are in our external environment, we can exert massive influence on the place we live in and on our loved ones.

Next time when you are worrying or if you worried right now ask yourself the following question:

Is this outside of my circle of influence? Or is this within my circle of influence?

The former you learn to accept and find the right response to and the latter you do something about it!

Worrying in either case produces ZERO results!

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